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How to Run a Successful Capital Campaign: Tips from Two Veterans

How to Run a Successful Capital Campaign: Tips from Two Veterans

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Ambitious fundraising drives require many players to work well together to reach big goals. Nonprofit leaders must develop a multi-year plan for growth, line up large gifts in the quiet phase, carefully consider and set goals, and maintain energy through the final push.

How do campaign leaders set their organizations up for success, and what key steps should you take to hit goals?

Join The Chronicle of Philanthropy for a conversation with two capital campaign veterans who will help you prepare for a multi-year drive and address common challenges based on their extensive experience.

During this 75-minute session, you'll learn from Brian Lee, vice president for development and institute relations at Caltech. Mr. Lee is overseeing a capital campaign that since its launch has garnered $1.4 billion, including three commitments of $100 million dollars. Twenty-eight percent of those who have contributed are first-time donors to the university, and nearly 64% of commitments support the institute's endowment. Mr. Lee will share first-hand advice on how to set goals, mobilize your board, attract new donors, and engage loyal donors.

You'll also learn from Matthew Naylor, president of the National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, who is overseeing "Call to Duty," a $25-million campaign that will wrap up in the next year or so. To date, the drive has raised $18.2 million to support capital improvements, programming, and an endowment; approximately 70% of campaign donors are new. Mr. Naylor will share advice on how to assess your organization's strengths and weaknesses, clearly define roles among board members and campaign committees, and keep the momentum up.

Whether your nonprofit is big or small, don't miss this chance to learn from, and pose your questions to, to these highly successful experts.

What Will You Learn?

  • How to assess your readiness for a capital campaign
  • Tips for setting motivational but realistic goals and milestones
  • How to retain staff and donors once the campaign ends

Who Should Attend?

  • Chief development officers, development directors, and major gifts officers
  • Communications directors and online marketers
  • Executive directors

What Resources Will You Receive?

Checklist: Why Capital Campaigns Fail

Two experts share the top 7 reasons why capital campaigns fail


Vice President for Development and Institute Relations 

California Institute of Technology

President and CEO 

National World War I Museum and Memorial

Originally Aired: October 12, 2017

This webinar is worth one CFRE credit.

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