Cultivating Midlevel Donors: Beyond the Basics
Cultivating Midlevel Donors: Beyond the Basics
Join The Chronicle of Philanthropy and nonprofit experts for an online session that will show you how to create a positive experience for your midlevel donors, whether they are on a path to making a big gift or to becoming long-term donors who give far more than the typical direct-marketing gift year after year.
You'll learn from Andrew Wiley who directs the World Wildlife Fund's midlevel giving program, which generates 10 percent of the money raised annually from individuals even though these supporters represent just 1 percent of the fund's membership. Since updating the program in 2012, digital revenue has grown by more than 83 percent, and the renewal rate increased by 10 percent. Mr. Wiley will explain:
- The communication strategy he developed for these donors, including how he integrates digital and direct-mail
- How to foster collaboration within your organization to create a better midlevel donor experience
- Why you should survey your middle donors
You'll also hear from Liz FitzGerald, who oversees roughly 24,000 donors who donate $250 to $24,999 a year to the American Civil Liberties Union. She will explain how she tailors messages to these supporters and aims to move them away from a direct-mail renewal mentality toward a philanthropic mindset that supports the group's long-term goals. She'll also offer guidance on improving internal processes so you can protect middle donors from too many gift requests, ensure you are measuring the right outcomes, and expand the amount you raise from midlevel donors.
What Will You Learn?
- Proven tactics to increase giving among these generous donors
- Creative ways to thank midlevel donors and get them more involved
- Effective techniques for ensuring that midlevel donors receive customized communications
Who Should Attend?
- Chief development officers, development directors, and major gifts officers
- Communications directors and online marketers
- Executive directors
What Resources Will You Receive?
Template: A Stewardship Tool for Midlevel Donors
A tool to manage communications and outreach to midlevel donors so you can ensure that you keep these generous donors involved in, but not overwhelmed by, your cause.
World Wildlife Fund
Originally Aired: February 9, 2017
This webinar is worth one CFRE credit.