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Cultivate Midlevel Donors

Cultivate Midlevel Donors

Regular price $89.00
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Midlevel donors are a small but generous cadre who bring in a hefty share of annual revenue at many nonprofits. Plus, they’re loyal: 75 percent of middle donors keep giving year after year, research shows. Yet these key supporters often get overlooked because their giving doesn’t fit into major gifts or direct-response fundraising.

How can your nonprofit attract midlevel donors and hold onto them for the long haul ― despite the economic and health crises?

Join us for a 75-minute webinar to learn from two senior fundraisers who oversee successful midlevel giving programs. They’ll share insights into what’s working now to keep these important supporters connected to your work. Even if you don’t have a strong midlevel program, they’ll offer simple steps you can take right away to nurture these donors and boost giving.

You’ll learn from Barbara Camick, director of annual giving at Best Friends Animal Society, which raises roughly a third of its contributed revenue from middle donors. Camick will explain how to define goals for midlevel giving and make a smart plan for staying in touch, tailor messages to inspire greater giving, and create engaging virtual opportunities to share your mission with these key supporters.

You’ll also hear directly from Andrea O’Brien, senior director of donor relations at The Wilderness Society. Although midlevel supporters account for less than 1 percent of the group’s members, they contribute about 8 percent of its annual revenue. O’Brien will share tips for crafting a strategy that works now and in the year ahead including key ways to recognize and build strong ties with these supporters.

Plus, you’ll get real-world examples of donor communications and fundraising appeals that hit the mark with those who give midlevel donations.

What will you learn?

  • How to set realistic goals for midlevel giving and stick to your plan
  • Smart ways to customize your outreach to middle supporters to boost results
  • How to keep midlevel donors engaged — and inspire greater giving — despite Covid-19


    Director of Annual Giving
    Best Friends Animal Society

    Senior Director of Donor Relations
    The Wilderness Society

    Originally Aired: October 8, 2020

    This webinar is worth 1.25 CFRE credits.

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