Attracting Diverse Donors
Attracting Diverse Donors
The national reckoning with racial injustice reinvigorated long-standing efforts to diversify fundraising, but progress has been slow. Many nonprofit leaders and big-gift fundraisers still overlook donors who are not white men even though about 14 percent of U.S. millionaires are from groups that are underrepresented in nonprofit donor pools.
How can your organization improve its outreach, reach new groups of people from varied backgrounds, and tap into this potential? Experts advise groups that want to attract diverse donors to start by making boards, executive teams and fundraising departments more inclusive.
This collection offers examples of savvy nonprofits that are keeping up with a changing America and advice on how to build ties with supporters of different backgrounds and win their support. You’ll also find advice and a checklist for attracting supporters who are not just ethnically, but also economically, diverse.
Pages: 23
Digital File Size: 1 MB